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On the 26th of October, the representatives of the IBPRS-PIB participated in the BIOEAST Sub-Regional Validation Workshop of Bioeast Strategic and Innovation Research Agenda. The meeting was organized at the premises of the National Institute of Culture and Rural Heritage in Warsaw.

Within the framework of the BIOEAST initiative there are 7 active Thematic Working Groups, which works are devoted to the development of the BIOEAST SRIA. These are: Advanced Biochemical and Biomaterials – Łukasz Woźniak, Ph.D. Eng. of IPBRS-PIB is the member of the group,  Agroecology and Sustainable Yields, Food Systems (group coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), Bioenergy and New Value-added Materials, Forestry Value Chains, Freshwater-based Bioeconomy, Bioeconomy Education.

The BIOEAST initiative has developed the draft of the BIOEAST SRIA within the framework of the BIOEASTsUP project. The new SRIA will provide the Member States and the European institutions with the strategic R&I programme to support a knowledge-driven bioeconomy in the BIOEAST macro-region. During the workshop, apart from the presentations delivered by the Coordinators of the Thematic Working Groups, discussion groups were organized on each thematic area and the feedback received will be incorporated into the preparation of the final BIOEAST SRIA. Discussions focused on: goals and challenges, main research topics, addressing research and innovation needs for the BIOEAST macro-region.

BIOEAST – The Central-Eastern European Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in the Bioeconomy offers a common political commitment and shared strategic research and innovation framework for working towards sustainable bioeconomies in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. This political initiative was started by the Visegrad Group Countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and was later joined by Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Estonia, Romania, Slovenia.