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  • Polski
5th General Assembly Meeting of the NeoGIANT project

5th General Assembly Meeting of the NeoGIANT project

In May, the representatives of the Department of Fermentation Technology of IBPRS-PIB Katarzyna Piasecka-Jóźwiak, Ph.D. and Renata Choińska, Ph.D. participated in the 5th General Assembly Meeting, which was organized with the consortium partners of the Horizon 2020...
COST ACTION Training School in Belgrade

COST ACTION Training School in Belgrade

At the end of May, Ms. Anna Szafrańska, Ph.D., Head of Department of Grain Processing and Bakery Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego – PIB participated in the Training School under the name „Genetics and Agronomy for Low Acrylamide-Forming...
PROMISEANG project meeting in Lisbon

PROMISEANG project meeting in Lisbon

The Institute’s researchers participated in the annual meeting of the Horizon Europe project entitled PROMISEANG ‘Alternative PROteins from MIcrobial fermentation of non-conventional SEA sources for Next-Generation food, feed and non-food bio-based...