BIOEAST Congress 2023
On the 15-16th March, the high level international BIOEAST Congress 2023 was organized in Warsaw under the auspices of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with the support of the Horizon 2020 BIOEASTsUP project.
The Congress was organized to summarize the deliverables of the BIOEAST sUP project. During the 2-day event, the project officers presented a newly developed macro-regional Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (BIOEAST SRIA) and the 11 bioeconomy concept papers which were developed based on the assessment of the eleven BIOEAST countries’ bioeconomies.
The BIOEAST SRIA aims to provide region-specific research policy advice in bioeconomy and related sectors: Agroecology and Sustainable Yields, Food Systems, Bioenergy and New Value-added Materials, Advanced Biochemicals and Biomaterials, Forestry Value Chains, Freshwater-based Bioeconomy, Bioeconomy Education.
The national Concept Papers will serve the national bioeconomy policy development in the 11 Central and Eastern European countries. The discussion panels held during the conference highlighted key thematic priorities of all BIOEAST countries.
The Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology was represented during the event by Łukasz Woźniak, Ph.D. (member of the BIOEAST Advanced Biochemical and Biomaterials thematic working group) from the Department of Food Analysis, Joanna Bucka-Kolendo, M.Sc. from the Department of Microbiology and Agata Wierzbińska, M.A. Coordinator for International Relations.