In May, the representatives of the Department of Fermentation Technology of IBPRS-PIB Katarzyna Piasecka-Jóźwiak, Ph.D. and Renata Choińska, Ph.D. participated in the 5th General Assembly Meeting, which was organized with the consortium partners of the Horizon 2020 NeoGiANT project. The working meeting was held in Ceske Budejovice. During the meeting, the project partners presented and discussed the completed and ongoing research activities within the individual Work Packages of the project.
The NeoGiANT – ‘The Strength of Grape Extracts: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties Preventing the Use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals’, project aims at the development of, among others, animal feed additive based on the white grape marc, which will help prevent/reduce the use of antibiotics in animals. Since the project is an innovative action, great emphasis is placed on research involving animals (chickens, calves, dairy cows, piglets, fish). Successful results will enable the initiation of activities aimed at registering the developed grape extract preparation as a feed additive by EFSA.