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The 17th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications was held on September 19-20, 2024 in Milan, Italy at the Università degli Studi di Milano Statale. Katarzyna Piasecka-Jóźwiak and Renata Choińska (ZF) participated in the conference, presenting the results of work carried out within the framework of the NeoGiANT project carried out at IBPRS-PIB in the form of a poster entitled “Polyphenols in dried grape extracts: powerful aid in animal farming.” The conference was attended by 210 participants representing more than 31 countries, they were representatives of academia and industry, 123 communications were submitted.

The purpose of this year’s conference was to present and discuss the latest scientific developments, covering basic and applied research on polyphenols. The topics of the presented reports focused on the health benefits of different groups of polyphenols, their interactions with the microbiota, antiviral effects, attempts to use polyphenols in the fight against obesity and diabetes. The potential of anthocyanin-rich extracts in chemotherapy and applications of polyphenols in food processing, e.g.: to shape the color of new products, were discussed. The conference program included both plenary lectures and short, 20-minute presentations.